was posted at 7:12 AM with 1 comments
I'm so concerned about the others but do they even consider this much before they even do something to me? Just a normal poke in facebook, it can take me long enough to do it back to them since I'll be thinking about, a lot of things where at times, it's unnecessary. People insult me, though they weren't serious about it, it still hurts. I'll just keep that all to myself, because as how I told most of the people who asked me why I don't talk back, talking back isn't my thing. Well, I do show my temper a little sometimes, but no one would ever notice, and I'll be thinking to myself, why am I doing this? It doesn't make me feel any better. So I will end up acting normal like nothing happened again. It sucks because the way they insult isn't just, a joke to be cracked once in a while. I feel like they are literally insulting EVERYTHING I said, that made me felt like what the hell did I do that God want myself to be treated this way..I meant I don't do this to them. And when I try to defend, they will insult further. They can insult people but people can't insult them. Well, I don't want to be feeling this way, too, because it makes me feel fake to be a friend of yours but well, that's just how I feel. I need to let it out.
was posted at 8:19 AM with 0 comments
Lately, my twitter timeline has been bombarded with ask.fm posts. I was curious, so I created one for myself too :P
So I found out this is sort of like formspring, where random people can ask you questions without you knowing who they are, and you can choose to answer them, or not. So I connected it with my twitter and facebook account to check who else is on ask.fm and not much of my friends are using it. So I abandoned it for quite some time and I only went back to it when I was checking my mailbox one day. I found out there were actually people who asked me on ask.fm. I think it's pretty nice to have responds, especially a respond like this:
![]() |
To: Whoever you are, Thank you, that's so sweet of ya :)) |
was posted at 12:53 AM with 0 comments
Few weeks ago, I was browsing through some pictures in my computer. I wanted to find my pictures with Jia Anne, and I don't remember why. As you know, I group pictures by year. I was quite sure our last hangout was during 2011, but it turned out to be 2010. So..we've not met each other for.. 2 years! Finally, we had a hangout last friday at ou. I'm only writing this a week after the hangout because, I really don't realize how time flies, and it felt like yesterday. Sorry for the delay.
So we met at delicious and she joined my mum, sister and I for lunch there. Then I took 4 pictures with my sister's polaroid. 3 of them went into my purse, for memories xD Then, we went to get our movie tickets for The Perks of being a Wallflower. Not sure if you guys will like the movie, but we all do. :3 When the movie ended, some really big fan of the movie clapped, followed by us. :D Later, she treated me Starbucks and I had to finish it asap since almost every shopkeeper chased me out of the shop when I have that drink in my hand. Thanks for the drink babe! Then we shopped around, talked and bid her goodbye at 7.30pm.
Honestly? 1 day for a 2 year reunion, is not enough. We gotta go out again babe! :D
So..let's round it up with some pictures of us. Not as much as the last hangout's since we've all been matured, and I guess we appreciate heart-to-heart talk more than some fitting room pictures. Hahah. Maybe next time xD
was posted at 12:24 AM with 0 comments
The world ahead me is literally, spinning, after looking at a bunch of html codes for almost half an hour. So yesterday I headed out with the friends and nick confessed that he didn't feel like reading my blog because of the super small font. So this explains why I changed the whole blogskin and why was I trying so hard to change the font and font size. I really like my font! xD
Actually I changed it because partly, I wasn't really satisfied with my previous blogskin as the whole thing was shifted to the left, and well, the super small font, too. And I had no idea at all how to change the font and font size at my template. Um hmm, hope this is reader-friendly for you guys :))