was posted at 8:40 AM with 0 comments
Yes i know exercise's important, but, I should REALLY go for some intense workout. Plus, my sister's having her 3 months holiday starting from now. So, she's probably gonna go for her every day gym routine, again. She always ajak me to go with her, and i just felt really guilty for saying no every day. Rawrrr.
Honestly, i don't really like going to the gym, because:
Honestly, i don't really like going to the gym, because:
1) My stamina is bad. I can hardly run for more than 15 minutes? x.x
2) Idk what's the right speed to start running. Seriously, I'll seem like an idiot trying to run at every speed and then eventually stop, because the speed wasn't right or enough to start running.
So, i'll just go for swimming instead. But my sister's gym time is always at night. The pool will be dark, and i can't swim like 50 metres per round as the other side's really dark and it seems creepy. The worst thing is, the bugs will start to fly around the pool and some of them will drop into the pool when they die. It's quite disgusting to swim with a bunch of insects in the pool. Plus, i can't really see if there's any inside the pool as i don't have my glasses with me.
Sigh, i know these are all excuses. I will try to overcome these so called 'obstacles', to me. lol.