was posted at 8:48 AM with 0 comments
Didn't think i'll ever post something bout his music. :P Well, for some of you, you guys might have came across the movie 'Secret' directed by jay chou. So, it's mostly bout piano, and damn, those tracks from the movie are just ear candies.
So i actually found those piano scores and was so psyched to play 'em but then when i was printing the first page, i already wasted 3 papers. -.-
Well, first time i printed the score on the page where there's words on it. Second and the third was i actually put the two papers together and it turned out to be printed on the two pages. And so finally i decided to still try for the fourth time, and guess what, my printer's ink was finishing -.-
Gosh, fated to not play 'em huh? ):