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thursday was one hell of a day. x)
the picture explained it all.
well we had this competition to sing patriotic songs n we're supposed to wear our own race's traditional clothes right?
but that's so boring so we tried to exchange. different races with different races' costumes.
n so that's what i get, A SAREE. :)
i kinda love it, though the skirt down there was kinda loose. but still, thanks shree for borrowing me this, sharvena n kasturi for helping me tie it. (: LOVE YOU GUYS.
so our group consists of, me, yu xin, winnis, dian, sanjeeve, pei yii, mei yen, er zhao, jin yuen n of course, shree. (:
we sang jalur gemilang n thought of some other moves to modify it. and we wear all having fun.
eventually we were the 1st runner up's.
well, parvathi's group won.
oh wells, they practised for so long, they really deserved it.
ours, we just started to practise a few days before the competition. LOL. that's us.
really had fun.
n so its holiday, having piano theory exam on monday, wish me luck! >.<
im really scared...after that, srsly, i can start planning outings. (: