was posted at 9:59 PM with 0 comments
wooo! my title totally rhymed perfectly! :Du see the title, i think u have something in mind already, which is yeah, mid-year's. gah.
gotta finish up form 1 syllabus plus form 2's. that's pretty much?
ALRYTE, i gotta STOP being a nerd and talk about exams almost in every post.
teacher's day is around the corner.
me n my buddies is performing accoustic version of the song 'friends'(chinese) and zombie. and me n my moral class is performing a drama. we wrote the drama together by ourselves. im kinda satisfied with it btw. (: *fingers crossed* that it will be a good performance. wish me luck! *fingers crossed again*
yesterday had our rehearsal for monday's teacher's day. the guitar string patah-ed last minute. and that freaking made me panic like, HELL. i almost forgotten about my drama. i was goin all over the school borrowing guitars. luckily when i get to borrow one, i was just in time at the hall for my drama. phew, that was close!
and i guess that's it for this post. imma go study. oh no, this is driving me insane. i just realised i can't get 'study' out of my mind. gahhh.